It’s an obvious post to write, an end of year retrospective. I’ve done a lot, seen a lot, and experienced a lot this year. Then again, hasn’t everyone? I spent the first three months of the year pregnant, uncomfortable, and sick. The flu knocked me off of my feet for weeks and then love hit me like a ton of bricks. The birth of my daughter went as smoothly as these things go. I found myself falling in love with this cupcake and am continually amazed how these little creatures change our lives.
The next few months after her birth found me struggling and often failing at balancing the care of my newborn, my two older boys, writing, and home management. I always seem to drop one of my responsibilities while focusing on another. Of course, my children(and not the laundry, my WIPs, or blogging) have been at the highest on my priority list. Still I’ve followed through with my auction win and a partial submission for critique.
My oldest son started first grade…an actual numbered grade (!!!!) and my youngest boy started pre-k. It was a difficult step to make. My son has severe food allergies and it’s never an easy move for me to let him out of my sight or reach. Speaking of him…we’ve survived his first endoscopy (unfortunately, not his last), a 24-hour ph impedance study, and the diagnosis of a gastrointestinal disorder (eosiphinilic esophagitis).
Illnesses haven’t kept away. We’ve had sinus infections, tummy bugs, asthma flare ups, and recently one nasty case of Fifth’s in one very tired, itchy, achy Mommy.
This is to say…It’s been a year. But I’m ever hopeful. A new year awaits. I’m ready to get organized, ready to get these WIPs written, edited, submitted. I have a new plan, ready to be tested, and every reason to believe that this year will be the year of balance. Goals will be reached and chaos will not reign.
It starts here.
In the next month, I’ll be getting my stuff together and blogging about the steps I’m taking to get my writing, my mothering, and my life under control.
Wish me luck. 2012 here I come.
Fireworks courtesy of malfet_